How to use Index Cards in FADE IN


In this article I’m going to show you how to use Index Cards and synopsises in Fade In for organizing or outlining your script. That’s coming up.

Fade In gives you the possibility to view all your scenes as Index Cards. This can be very useful for laying out a story before you write it, or for reordering or restructuring purposes.

Go to “Document – Index Cards” to get the Index Cards view. Fade In shows you the synopsis of each scene as well as its scene heading.

Index Cards View in Fade In - How to use Index Cards in FADE IN
Index Cards View in Fade In

You see, it’s very easy to scroll through your scenes, jump to a specific scene, or reorder them in a different sequence.

Drag-and-Drop reorder Index Cards - How to use Index Cards in FADE IN
Drag-and-Drop reorder Index Cards

You can also have your scene displayed instead of your synopsis. If you want to edit the scene heading, just double click it and change it.

Double click the synopsis to edit it, or click on a card while holding down Control on the PC, Command on the MAC and you get to the scene in the editing view.

Edit Synopsis by double clicking - How to use Index Cards in FADE IN
Edit Synopsis by double clicking

You can also change the text size of your index cards if you want by right-clicking.

Change Index Cards text size - How to use Index Cards in FADE IN
Change Index Cards text size

Also, you can choose whether you want to have your Index Cards organized according to the Navigator. Check “Navigator Folders” to have Fade In always begin a new line of index cards for each folder or act.

Use the folder hierarchy to sort your Index Cards - How to use Index Cards in FADE IN
Use the folder hierarchy to sort your Index Cards

If you want to learn more about different Fade In tools and functions, look for more articles and videos on or on my YouTube channel.

If you’re missing something, drop me a quick message and tell me what you’ve been looking for that I should include in future articles and videos.

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Have fun writing everybody. See you. Bye.

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