
Scrivener is one of the few all-in-one non-linear writing applications on the market. Its feature richness and versatility make it the favourite app for many writers, among them novelists, screenwriters, ebook authors, bloggers, non-fiction authors, legal writers and scientific writers. It supports a lot of different import and export formats (among them Final Draft fdx, Kindle, Word, Text only, Fountain, pdf, markdown, ...). It can be used for writing, outlining, revising, formatting and exporting to a final product (e.g. ebook).

Create eBooks In Scrivener: Part I

Whether you are a writer and want to go the self-publishing route, or you just want to tie a bunch of notes together for...

Format A Plain Text Script For Scrivener In Seconds

You know the situation. You have a screenplay in plain text format but what you really need is the screenplay format to work with...

Scrivener On The Go: Sync With Simplenote

Besides syncing Scrivener with Index Card for iPad (link) there is another possibility for taking your Scrivener content with you: syncing with Simplenote. Simplenote does...

Scrivener On The Go: Sync With Index Cards (iPad)

Literatureandlatte (the makers of Scrivener) have announced an iPad app that should be able to take your beloved Scrivener projects on the road with...

Scrivener AND Final Draft: Screenwriting Workflow

Why Final Draft AND Scrivener? Final Draft is pretty much THE screenwriting standard software around. The fdx format is very popular because it is used...

Save Time Outlining In Scrivener With This Corkboard Setup!

(This is written for Scrivener for Mac, Version 2.6) If you are an outlining type of writer chances are want to use Scrivener for it....
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