Literature and Latte have released an update for Scrivener’s iOS version this week, so let me give you a quick summary of what’s new.
If you’re new to Scrivener for iOS and you want to get an overview first, there is another article and video about that.
Alright, new stuff in version 1.1:
It’s two main things really, well, in fact it’s three main things but two of them are visible and one is related to technical witchcraft that is happening in the background.
Dark Mode
The first major addition is that Scrivener’s iOS version now has a dark mode. That’s easier on your eyes if you like to write in the dark or you have to write through the night because your deadline is coming up.
For whatever reason, to activate dark mode go to the settings and you’ll find the magic switch there.

The other major addition is that you can now add emojis as file or folder icons. It’s been possible before to choose from a variety of icons to give your files and folders a little more personality, but now you have a custom field where you can enter anything you want, including emojis.

You find that custom field when you go to the inspector and then down below tap on “Icon”. You can still choose from all the other icons if you want or you enter an emoji, or several of them, in the custom field up top.
That’s a nice addition to markup your files and folders when you want to keep track of their status, content or you just want to make them look nicer…
As of now those emojis won’t sync to the MAC and PC versions of Scrivener, but it seems this will be included in further updates later this year.
Technical Changes
As for the technical changes, Dropbox has switched to a new API so the code had to be adapted so that syncing will continue to work seamlessly.
Alright, that’s it, I’d love to hear what you think about those changes, drop me a comment below, let me know if you’re working with Scrivener for iOS or with other mobile writing applications, and if you run into problems or find out something new let me know, I’m sure other writers just like you will be interested in that as well.
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Have fun writing everybody. See you. Bye.
Now that there’s a Dark Mode I can finally write on my phone at night. I’ve been using Scrivener for years, but until I got the iOS version I had to use Evernote whenever I didn’t have my computer with me, and that became a problem when notes started getting lost and even disappearing never to be seen again. Now that Scrivener’s for iOS I can finally feel safe writing on my phone—and now I can do it at night.